суббота, 18 января 2020 г.


Yeah the lucidology series on youtube is excellent. By sluggo in forum General Lucid Discussion. I don't doubt that the techniques work, but the so called theory and science behind is actually marketing bullshit. The first thing you have to know is why this works. So to do that you need a way to fall asleep quickly and reliably. Mmmmm ok - looks like this technique is for people who fall back asleep quickly. That doesn't always happen, but quite a few people have written in to tell me that this was the secret that got them over the edge to start having frequent O. lucidology timer

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The timer method works fantastically well for inducing WBTB lucids. Lucidology Part 8 File Type: You are supposed to automatically achieve lucidity in the first or second twenty minute interval. The first thing you have to know is why this works. So in a way I used fractionation without an alarm.

Originally Posted by mutualdreamer I "suspect" spam What are you talking about? This was a good first attempt, but in order for this to work you have to make sure that the alarms really wake you up. What you need are easy to detect signals that you can use like road signs to tell you how close lycidology are to succeeding.

Originally Posted by mcwillis. Yeah the lucidology series on youtube is excellent. Originally Posted by lucidfish I'm a little confused by ljcidology timer set-up you posted. So then I stopped, but then I saw that he had change the first alarm to 20, then started with 8 so the timer starts with 20 minutes then an alarm, then 8 minutes and so on.

Before I started to use this luciology personal best was 3 lucid dreams on 3 days, then I usually had a dryspell for 2 weeks. There is one downside with this method though. These days while I was pracctising the Timer method, I thought that it was the timer that did my have the lucid dreams, but if I read my dream journal I can clearly see that it only helped me once!

I'll still get myself a timer and mess with it though One thing to note, and I feel pretty dumb timre I forgot to mention it You'll discover how I went from nightly nightmares and insomnia to having amazing OBEs lucidoloogy lucid dreams every night.

Sorry, McWillis I know you're an avid supporter of Newport.

Lucid Dream Forum, OBE Forum - - Download Timer MP3s

Es — Lucidology Lucidloogy 5 File Type: How do this help you to lucid dream? Bookmarks Bookmarks Digg del. There really is no other method that gives faster results than this.

lucidology timer

Here in Lucidology part 8 you're about to find out the 4 easiest ways to take the red pill so you know if you've shifted into an O. Join Now to Subscribe to this Podcast. In order ti,er not move when the alarm goes off, it's to use the intention to remember not to lucidoloyg, and to shut the alarm off I use autosnooze, so before you can start using it that are some problems you need to solve.

But I have had some spontanious lucid dreams after the 20 minute interval too.


Originally Posted by Origami. I did have many more dreams than normal usually I have dreams, last night I had 3 then 6 during the alarms, all a decent length.

Join Lucidoloy to Share Episode Details. It's just a good thing to ttimer in the back of your head if you fail after a WBTB, because you can just go back to sleep over and over and each time the chance of having a lucid dream becomes more likely. Man, I'm a real piece of work these days!! In this article you're about to find out why sleep paralysis is the holy grail for new OBEers because it's how you can access your subconscious without having to practice using any visualizations at all.

It Has for me and for many other people. People often ask for advice on forums about how to induce O. Last edited by Darkmatters; at

lucidology timer

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