вторник, 7 января 2020 г.


The event type is "org. See documentation for each command-line tool for supported command qualifiers. I even set HQ to point to another server that has postfix running and it still failed. Allowable values vary by resource type. Functionality You can use the autodiscovery command to list platforms in the auto-discovery queue and import them to inventory. Process the sync in batches of the given size. hqapi1-3.3.jar

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List information for fired alerts, fix an alert,acknowledge an alert in escalation, or delete an alert. The template definition must be of the same type as the target members.

vfabric Hyperic Web Services API v.5.7

This product is protected by U. Structure of a metrictemplatesresponse The MetricTemplatesResponse returned by the metrictemplate list has this element structure.


Some schedulers break commands by stripping quotation marks " from them upon scheduling. I try to install vsphere plugin from solutionsexchange, but hyperic don't show plugin.

To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors.

VMware Communities : Popular Discussions - Hyperic User Forums

If specified, clear the assigned escalation from all alert definitions in this sync. The condition is met when when an event of the severity level specified by loglevel that contains the string specified by logmatches if a value was supplied is logged. Examples metrictemplate list In this example, the metrics supported for the resource type "CPU" are listed. All commands have the following syntax:.

I need to programmatically do the auto-approve for a number of resources that may appear at any time and hence cannot use the UI to do this. In the Action element, the different types are distinguished by the value of the actiontype attribute; that remaining attributes in the element vary by action type.

Because the --deletemissing qualifier is included, after running this command the only resources in the group will be FileServer Mounts whose names match the regular expression. This command requests the last 5 alerts that have fired regardless of acknowledgement of fix status. Although it's totally javascript based it's still using SVG graphics and e. List supported control actions for a resource, list control action history for a resource, and perform issue a control action to a resource.

There is a first milestone release available for people who like to see a preview what's going to be in it when actual release 1. To determine the ID for the metric you wish to list, use the metric list command.


Results hqapi1-3.3.ar returned for the top level platform with the specified internal Hyperic ID. Contact us about this article. The Java APIs provide additional functionality, for instance, richer functions for extracting metric data.

VMware Communities : Popular Discussions - Hyperic User Forums

For some reason, the server can't send an email. You supply the name or ID of the item to delete. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policyincluding cookie policy. The metric reschedule command accepts a ResourcesResponse element, which can contain one or more resources.

IBM Corporation Java home If specified, clear alert actions from all alert definitions in this sync. This usage pattern is suitable for external systems or programs that need to expose or manipulate data in Hyperic. To check for more recent editions of More information. Qualifier --compatible --id --mixed --name Description Only compatible groups are returned.

The delete option supports only "one-at-a-time" deletions. You must supply one of the following command qualifiers: The key of a parameter that the action type requires type of action. Successfully acknowledged alert id alert fix The alert hqspi1-3.3.jar command marks an alert "fixed". The "All Servers" hqapi1--3.3.jar is a mixed group, and is associated with the the "MgmtAdmin" role.

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